Fr. Sam Pulanco | Parish Priest
Welcome to the St John Vianney Parish of Hillsborough. Our parish was established in 1957 so that succeeding generations have a place for their spiritual growth and nourishment. This generation today is enjoying the fruit of the hard work of the previous generations. For many years, St John Vianney Catholic Church has been the spiritual oasis for the people who live here in WaikÅwhai area. Our parish is a diverse community that comes together to worship God. This diversity makes our parish alive and vibrant.
We encourage all of our parishioners to participate in the life of the parish and we would love to see you get involved and contribute, as we grow together as one community of faith.
P: 09 624-3440 | E: | A: 317 Hillsborough Road, Hillsborough, Auckland 1042
Make an enquiry
Interested in joining our parish? Thinking of becoming Catholic?
Send us a message. Contact our Parish Office.
Parish Secretary
P: 09 624-3440 | E:
317 Hillsborough Road, Hillsborough, Auckland 1042